Connected Accounts

Which Accounts Can I Connect?

There are currently six types of Connections: Google, Twitter, Discord, Steam, Email, and Wallet.

Why Can’t I Connect Accounts On Mobile?

We recommend connecting all your accounts on desktop. After all your connections are complete, your mobile browsing experience should be smooth.

How Did My Email Get Connected?

If your MVHQ account doesn’t have an email connected, and then you connect your Google/Discord, the email associated with your Google/Discord account automatically connects to your MVHQ account as well.

Why Is My Email Automatically Connected?

It prevents people from unintentionally creating multiple MVHQ accounts. For example, someone logs in with Google and doesn’t connect anything else. Later, they log in again but use Discord to log in because they forgot they logged in with Google the first time. If their Google and Discord share the same Email, then the Discord login will automatically log into the MVHQ account that already has the Google account connection and will connect their Discord to the same account.

Will I Lose Credits When Switching A Connected Account

No, all your MVHQ Credits, Credit Boosters and Missions progress is tied to your MVHQ account, not your connected accounts, so you won’t lose any progress by switching your connected accounts.

For details on how to switch your connected accounts visit the specific pages linked below:

Last updated